Saturday, March 5, 2011

How age affects the change in our sleep patterns

Sleep patterns change with age
Changing sleep patterns are a normal part of aging. There are, however, some specific sleep disorders your doctor can diagnose.
These changes have been demonstrated in sleep laboratory studies. Sleep efficiency (the time spent asleep compared to time in bed), falls from its high values in youth (95%-98%) to 70%-80% in older age. Also, the amount of light sleep increases with age, and the amount of deep sleep is reduced.
Additionally, the arousal threshold falls as we age, so that sounds and other interruptions are more likely to awaken us.
Another aspect of aging is that the normal circadian pattern (24-hour rhythm) of sleep gradually weakens, and sleep tends increasingly to be spread across the 24-hour day rather than being consolidated in the nighttime sleep period. All of these changes result in the common complaint of the elderly: that sleep is shorter and less restorative than it was in their youth. 
Most elderly people notice that their sleep is interrupted by other changes in their bodies. For example, muscle or joint pains may make it difficult to get comfortable, and most people over the age of 65 must visit the bathroom at least once during the night. However, these are normal aspects of aging. 
The most problematic and long-term sleep difficulties in the elderly are due to medical conditions (for example, respiratory disease, arthritis and heart disease) and psychiatric problems (such as clinical depression and dementia). In addition, specific sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and periodic limb movement disorder are also associated with age, and affect sleep. 
Since disturbed sleep is common in the elderly, it can be difficult to distinguish between a normal aging process and a disease state. Therefore, a medical check-up is needed to determine the cause when older individuals experience persistent trouble in falling or staying asleep that is associated with daytime problems (for example, marked sleepiness, mood changes, pronounced fatigue, forgetfulness, loss of interest or pleasure, etc.). 
Good lifestyle habits result in better sleep Poor sleep habits can worsen the physiological changes associated with aging. Therefore, by simply changing these habits, the sleep problem may be reduced or eliminated, resulting in a better quality of life. Helpful strategies include reducing caffeine intake, avoiding large, heavy meals late at night, and reducing daytime naps.
Also, active seniors report fewer sleep problems than their inactive counterparts. Physical exercise such as walking briskly for 30 to 40 minutes has beneficial effects on sleep, regardless of age. 
Specific sleep disorders
Just as medical and psychiatric illnesses become more common as we age, specific sleep disorders are also more common, and affect the amount and quality of sleep.
Sleep apnea refers to breathing problems during sleep, and is estimated to affect 1 out of every 4 people over the age of 60. 
In obstructive sleep apnea, loud snoring and pauses in breathing are noticed by the bed partner, but the sleeper may have no complaints apart from sleepiness in the day. Obstructive sleep apnea is due to narrowing or closure of the airway during sleep, and is caused by many factors, including obesity. The breathing disturbance causes brief awakenings, which disrupt sleep but are not usually recalled in the morning. Common associated symptoms are difficulty with memory, concentration and thinking, and daytime sleepiness, including sleepiness while driving. 
Obstructive sleep apnea requires treatment such as use of a device; which uses air pressure to keep the throat open, plus other strategies such as weight loss. 
The second, less common type of breathing disturbance associated with age is called central sleep apnea. This type of sleep apnea is caused by a failure, during sleep, of the brain's control of the breathing process. In this condition snoring is usually absent. Sighing breaths or shallow breathing may be noted by the bed partner. Unlike patients with obstructive sleep apnea, patients with central sleep apnea are more likely to remember their awakenings and complain of light and fragmented sleep. 
Periodic limb movement disorder
About half of all people aged 65 or over experience twitching in the legs and sometimes the arms during the night. When these twitches and jerks are prominent and frequent, the condition is called periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD). Diagnosis of PLMD requires a sleep laboratory evaluation to confirm the presence of the movements and their effects on sleep. Commonly, these movements occur in "batches," and can occur as frequently as 2 or 3 times a minute. The sufferer may complain of marked sleep disruption, or may not be aware of their presence at all. PLMD usually causes insomnia (difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep) and, more rarely, excessive daytime sleepiness.
People with PLMD may also experience "restless legs" when awake. Restless legs syndrome is present when a peculiar and difficult-to-describe sensation occurs in the calves or thighs while at rest. Characteristically, it is relieved by movement but recurs on resting again. Both PLMD and restless legs syndrome are treated with a variety of medications.
REM sleep behaviour disorder
Normally, during the dreaming part of sleep (called the rapid eye movement or REM part of sleep), the body is paralyzed. However, in patients with REM sleep behavior disorder, this does not occur, resulting in an enactment of dreams. A variety of behaviors can occur associated with dream enactment (striking out, swearing, falling, etc.), and self-injury or injury of the bed partner may occur. This disorder is more common in men over the age of 50, and can be associated with other neurological disorders. The drug clonazepam improves sleep and reduces dream-enactment behaviors.
 Jon Fleming, MD, FRCPC,
in association with the MediResource Clinical Team
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